STACK #219 January 2023





OPEL MOBILE SmartKids Phone

This is one of the first ever phones designed to connect and protect kids and teach them the safe and responsible use of a smartphone. It has no camera, and parents can restrict and monitor app downloads and usage, and set screen time limits. A safe contact list can be created so the phone can only make and take calls from those on the list. GPS tracking and

geo-fencing options are

thorough, and an SOS button will call up to five emergency contacts and provide real-time location.

SPACETALK Adventurer Kids Smartwatch 4G This all-in-one watch suits kids aged 5–12 and features a 4G phone for two-way talk and SMS from a parent-approved contact list, HD video calling, and no open internet access. Essential location

Smart tech designed to keep kids safe is a vital part of the school inventory, providing peace of mind for parents and a sense of security for children. S mart devices that allow parents to stay connected to their children are one of the great initiatives of the tech revolution. Communication via two-way talk or video, and real time GPS tracking to locate their whereabouts in a jiffy, helps alleviate parental concerns, particularly as another school year kicks off. When it comes to choosing which smart device is right for your child, it basically comes down to age, functionality, and the level of parental control it provides. Phone smart A youngster with a smartphone can trigger a wave of parental concern about online safety, social media use and excessive screen time. But if you’re comfortable that your child understands the responsible use of a phone, consider a basic budget model that won’t cost a fortune to replace should it be lost or broken. A kid-safe phone with full parental control of usage, no camera, real time GPS tracking, and an approved caller list is an even better option. Geo-fencing lets parents set virtual ‘safe zones’ with notifications, like when the phone arrives at school and leaves, and an SOS button will call assigned emergency contacts. Wrist ready Smartwatches designed for kids are a reliable alternative to a phone and share many of the same features, such as two-way talk and video calling, text messaging, real-time GPS tracking and geo-fencing, and no open internet access. They are simple to set up and monitor remotely using the companion app. And in good news for teachers, some can be set to ‘school mode’, transforming them into a regular watch while class is in. Choose an age-appropriate smartwatch for the features and functionality that will best meet your child’s needs – and make sure it’s durable, waterproof and has a decent battery life.

safety features include built-in GPS tracking, virtual safe zone management, and SOS alerts. Plus, there are a variety of fun wellness and fitness functions to help keep kids happy and healthy.

PIXBEE Kids 4G Video Smartwatch Keep in touch with two-way video and voice calls,

manage pre-approved contacts and virtual safe zones with GPS tracking, and deactivate certain functions during classroom hours. The free Pixbee app allows remote access to the watch’s camera, and a location

finder should it go missing. Connect with 4G and Wi-Fi – all you need is a Nano SIM card.

16 JANUARY 2023

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