STACK #198 Apr 2021
THE CROODS: A NEW AGE The Croods are back and they’re up against all sorts of odds, the most problematic being teenage love. Picking up shortly after the events of the first movie, the loveable cave clan find themselves in a new world (that looks a lot like a tropical oasis) where they are challenged by a more
WRONG TURN The 2003 hillbilly-horror flick of the same name is given a slick and inventive reboot that detours into unexpected new territory. Ignoring the warnings from locals not to venture into the mountains, a group of friends set off to hike the Appalachian Trail and soon
sophisticated family. Arriving seven years after the first film, this sequel barrels along at a hyperactive pace and is even more fun than the original.
find themselves lost and dodging lethal booby traps before being captured by a strange, hidden community that pre-dates the Civil War.
THE COOK, THE THIEF, HIS WIFE & HER LOVER Director Peter Greenaway's controversial 1989 cult classic takes matters of class and hedonism to over the top heights, serving up a smorgasbord of lust, gluttony, murder and revenge. Helen Mirren and Michael Gambon lead a quality cast, while the opulent
AMMONITE Set in the 1840s, Ammonite explores an imagined romance between real-life palaeontologist Mary Anning (Kate Winslet) – about whom little is known beyond her famed fossil discoveries on the beaches of Southern England – and a young married woman (Saoirse Ronan). Beautifully
production design and stately score cast a mesmeric spell. Long unavailable on home entertainment formats, this is a most welcome return.
written and directed by Francis Lee ( God's Own Country ), this is a highpoint in LGTBI+ cinema.
SMILEY FACE KILLERS Ronen Rubinstein stars as a handsome young soccer player named Jake, who is unable to shake the feeling he's being stalked. His fears prove correct – a serial-killing sect (led by the great Crispin Glover) has chosen him as their next victim...
WILLY'S WONDERLAND Nicolas Cage plays a night shift janitor who’s employed to clean up an abandoned family amusement centre, wherein the animatronic characters come to life. His cleaner-upperer personage will need to fight each of them off if he hopes to
Written by Bret Easton Ellis (author of American Psycho ) and directed by Tim Hunter ( River's Edge ), this is an intense horror-thriller in the tradition of Zodiac .
see another day. Think video game series Five Nights at Freddy’s crossed with The Banana Splits Movie , albeit with all sorts of wonderful Cage craziness.
WICKED CITY One of the very first anime titles to turn up on local video store shelves in the late '80s, Wicked City is also one of the most wild entries in the genre, blending stylish eroticism, graphic horror and pulse-pounding action. When the human world and the demon
STONE Before Mad Max tore down the Aussie highways, notorious outlaw biker gang The Gravediggers were making trouble for the law in director Sandy Harbutt's seminal Ozploitation classic from 1974. Undercover cop Stone (Ken Shorter) infiltrates the
realm collide, it's up to a pair of agents – a lady-killer human and a voluptuous demon – to make peace. Also available on Blu-ray with bonus feature Demon City Shinjuku (1988).
gang to investigate a series of grisly killings and winds up in over his head. Blu- ray bonus features include vintage featurette, deleted scenes and much more.
26 APRIL 2021
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