STACK #194 Dec 2020
Time runs out. TENET
The future awaits... BILL & TED FACE THE MUSIC
RELEASE DATE: 16/12/20
RELEASE DATE: 09/12/20
Having put his own unique stamp on Batman and the sci-fi and war genres, Christopher Nolan brilliantly reinvents the spy movie while cleverly manipulating the notion of time travel. John David Washington plays the Protagonist (yes, that’s his designation), a CIA operative recruited by top secret organisation Tenet to track down a Russian oligarch (Kenneth Branagh) linked to the discovery of mysterious time- inverted bullets from the future. With the, er, spectre of World War III looming, the fate of the world rests
You know the story: Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted “Theodore” Logan, aka Wyld Stallyns, are destined to save the universe via a song that they’ll one day write. Now middle-aged, that saviour tune still eludes the pair, and that one day has come – they need to act quickly, or all of time and space will be destroyed… Bogus! Cue more time travel, more historical dudes (and babes), the return of Death on bass, much help from daughters Billie and Thea, some help from Rufus’s offspring, more assistance
on his globetrotting mission... The big blockbuster of 2020 that few got to see in a cinema, Tenet is a gloriously huge and cerebral actionfest that, like Inception , will prompt repeat viewings in order to properly get your head around its mind-bending concept. AC (See page 12)
from Kid Cudi, plus a cameo from Dave Grohl and you have one resplendent recipe for fun. But will Bill and Ted be most triumphant? If ever there was a perfect fun escape film, this is it. Forget the future, Bill & Ted Face the Music is just what 2020 needed. AF
She’s home, but she’s not alone... BECKY
Still can’t stop the feeling! TROLLS WORLD TOUR
RELEASE DATE: 16/12/20
RELEASE DATE: 09/12/20
Don’t let the cute and innocent-sounding title mislead you – this movie well and truly deserves its R-rating. Becky (Lulu Wilson) is an angsty teen whose family holiday in the mountains turns into a nightmare after three escaped prisoners (led by Kevin James, as you’ve never seen him before) stage a home invasion. With her father and his girlfriend held hostage, Becky snaps into Rambo mode and wages war against their brutal assailants. The result is an ultra-violent and barbaric thriller whereby big burly men are outwitted
This frizzy and fluorescent sequel is destined to give kids a crash course in musical diversity – and that’s a good thing. Where pop ruled the first film ( Can’t Stop the Feeling is still earworming its way through parents’ brains), variety is the spice here, from techno and heavy metal to country and classical. It all stems from a nefarious plan hatched by Queen Barb (Rachel Bloom) to unite one nation of trolls that will only ROCK, and it’s up to Poppy (Anna Kendrick), Branch (Justin
by a petite and clever girl with a knack for building booby traps. Featuring one of the most wince-inducing scenes you’ll ever see, Becky is not only a confronting exercise in survivalism, but also a super-charged thriller that’s sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. GC
Timberlake) and Biggie (James Cordon) to warn the various troll kingdoms. Featuring covers of tracks by Heart, Scorpions and a vocal cameo by Ozzy Ozbourne, World Tour has plenty for parents to enjoy this time round while the kids dance, dance, dance. BS
34 DECEMBER 2020
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