STACK #130 Aug 2016
CONTENTS STACK Issue 130 Aug ‘15 Thanks for downloading your FREE digital version of STACK Magazine – we do hope you have enjoyed the fantastic features, reviews and stories within the magazine and have had time to
play with the embedded movie trailers, behind-the-scenes film photos, music videos, games trailers, links to JB Hi-Fi, and the oodles of extra digital content we have hand-picked for your enjoyment…
COMPETITION Win one of ten Kidnapping Mr. Heineken book and DVD bundles.
This month:
TIM CARROLL Tim from Holy Holy speaks to STACK . RYAN KWANTEN Ryan Kwanten chats about Kidnapping Mr. Heineken and life after True Blood .
STUART COUPE STACK catches up with the writer of a new biography of Aussie music supremo Michael Gudinski. GAMES PREVIEWS Gears of War: Ultimate Edition and Madden NFL 16
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