STACK #245 March 2025
5 uses for outdoor cameras beyond security
If there's a lot of recycling in the non-recycling bin, your security camera can show which of your kids is being lazy when they take out the trash. How are your plants doing on hot summer days? You can check what needs watering without needing to go outside.
Smart security cameras do more than just monitor your home – they offer convenience, fun, and unexpected benefits that can enhance your daily life in surprising ways. Here are some tips to get even more from your security camera or video doorbell. Words James O’Connor BEYOND SECURITY CREATIVE AND PRACTICAL WAYS TO USE SMART CAMERAS
Who on the street isn't picking up their dog poop in front of your house? It's time to find out.
You can check out a sunrise without getting up early – from your bed.
Bird watchers rejoice! If you heard birdsong outside but scared the bird off when you went out to look, your camera may have picked it up.
the road, the changing of the seasons, or even just the growth of a plant in your front garden. If your camera has continuous recording turned on, odds are good that you can use the footage to create timelapse videos: just speed the footage up and you'll end up with something cool.
Set up custom alerts Most people have experienced the anxiety of waiting for a package, wanting to know the exact moment it's delivered. Custom alerts can ping your phone when a delivery driver is detected near your home and you can watch the delivery as it happens. You can also choose to be alerted when people approach your house, such as when your electricity meter is being read or when your kids return home from school. Depending on the camera type, you can receive refined alerts when there's movement in specific areas, such as when a car pulls into the driveway, or if a gate is left open.
Speaking (or singing) through your camera
Many security cameras have a "press to talk" feature in their companion apps. This means that not only can you access a direct video feed, but you can speak through the camera to whoever is at the door, or if you spot anything unusual. For example, if an alert reveals someone is in your front yard who shouldn't be, you can use your phone’s microphone to let them know that you're watching. Camera speakers can have fun uses, too. Some video doorbells can play custom music when you recognise a friend at the door, for example.
Use Bird's-Eye View doorbell features Bird’s-Eye View is a feature of Ring video doorbells. When it’s activated, it gives you an aerial map showing the path folks take when they walk to your front door. If anyone did anything unusual – or just stopped to admire your rose bush – you'll see it. It can be handy not only for security, but also for identifying any accessibility issues folks have with your house.
Timelapse videos Sometimes your cameras will capture
interesting long-term developments on the street – the house extension happening across
MARCH 2025
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